Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm Back!

Sorry everyone. I have taken a hiatus from blogging for the past month. I am sure that you all understand I have had a few other things to focus on, but..... I am back. I have vowed to resume consistent blogging. After all, the whole point of this blog was to update friends and family on what is going on in our lives. The problem is that we have so much going on that it has been hard to sit down for 15 minutes to create a new post, but I won't be deterred. I am committed to getting back in the game.

FYI...Parker is 5 weeks old today. He is beginning to show some signs of a personality (sometimes too much personality if you know what I mean). We have seen quite a few smiles lately and he is holding his head up during tummy time and turning it side to to side. I guess he is a little advanced for his age, but I can't say I'm surprised. (I will really try not to be the prototypical bragging parent, but it is hard when you have such a great little boy)! :) We spent some time with the Grandma Debbie, Grandpa Wes, & Uncle Brett this weekend at The Cafe. Parker seemed pretty content as he slept through the entire meal. We also had a 70 degree day on Saturday, so we were able to make it to the park for a walk. The Bob stroller has been great and I am sure that we will continue to enjoy it as the weather improves.

On a personal note. I ran my first 10k of the year and put up a decent time of 41:04. I was hoping to break 40 minutes, but I was happy with the effort. I also decided that I am going to sign up for the Kansas Half Ironman this summer. For those of you who don't know-a half ironman is a triathlon in which the competitors swim 1.2 miles, bike 56 miles & run 13.1 miles. This will be my second, however the training will be a little more difficult with Parker around, but I have to learn to incorporate him into my exercise routine and this will be a good test.

Well, I have rambled enough. Here's what you really want...a one month picture of Parker....pictured with Grandma Marilyn. Definitely going to be a little troublemaker based on the expression. :) Until next time.

Oh, I want to give a shout out to my brother Brett. Today is his 25th Birthday. Happy Birthday Bro.

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