Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I enjoy distance running because there are so many parallels with life. Life has many ups and downs as does running. Running is something you can never master. You can't run a race in zero seconds, which essentially means that you can always improve, just like life. I have found that some of my most clear thoughts have come while running. I have achieved that "runners high," a euphoric state where I felt as though I was floating across the ground because I was in such a rhythm. I love those moments, and you need those types of moments to keep you coming back for more, but those "highs" are not the reason I run. I run because of the daily grind. Running every day gives me a sense of confidence because I know that I can grind through the tough times instead of shutting down and giving up. That is the ultimate lesson that I have learned, and continue to learn, from running. There are hills in running and in life; it is not how fast you make it up the hill, but your willingness to say, "I am not going to let a hill stop me, it may slow me down, but I will eventually make it to the top, and when I do, the downhill on the other side will be that much more rewarding." The key to success in a sport like running is work ethic. I love to watch these naturally gifted athletes on tv in the NFL, MLB and NBA, but I have never gotten emotional about a professional sports game. However, every time I watch the Ironman World Championships in Kona, I end up getting teary-eyed. First of all there are wonderful stories of perseverance like Dick and Rick Hoyt, but most of all, I think about how most of these people are "average joes" who decided to put all the effort they had into training for that event. That is inspiring to watch. I have always thought of myself as a slightly above average athlete, but I continue to feel like I perform well above my abilities. For me, it all comes down to drive, desire, will to succeed and work ethic. I refuse to believe that I can't do it better the next time, and I have never let someone tell me what I can and can't do. I hope I never lose that mentality in sports or in life. Until next time.


Harnzblogger said...

Ben, you really write well. I enjoy your blogs. your Running=life sounds like the beginning of a book you could write on the subject. thanks for sharing.
When are you guys coming out to California again?

Ben said...

Lorette. Thanks for checking out my blog and for the compliment. I would love to come out to Santa Barbara or Mammoth soon. I will have to check with MB and see if we can work it out. Talk with you later.