Monday, October 6, 2008

Athletic ability declining..a little

I have recently determined that I am not the athlete I used to be. It became apparent that I am not as muscular as I once was today when I was able to wear a dress shirt with a 16 1/2 in. neck. (I used to be a 17 or 17 1/2 in my prime) :) I am sure that the evidence of my declining athletic ability will only be greater this weekend when I suit up in my baseball uniform for the first time in two years for the William Jewell Alumni Game. It is so hard to believe that 2 1/2 years ago I was playing baseball for a living, and now I will be happy to make contact. I will let you know how it goes. I am just excited to see all the guys and hang out with them. Any good plays on the field will just be "icing on the cake."

I am, however, probably in the best cardiovascular shape of my life right now. I just ran a 10k in less than 42 min., so I guess I am just changing priorities from the weight room to the roads & trails. My goal is to run a decent marathon time next year and to finish a few triathlons as well. Hopefully I can stay healthy and find a little time to train. As evidence by my previous post, I plan on doing a lot of running with the baby in the new stroller.

Speaking of the baby....Mary Beth and I had our first Child Birth Prep Class tonight. We spent two hours at the hospital with about 10 other first time pregnant couples passing around a replica amniotic sack and practicing our breathing and massage techniques. It was very informative and I think we should have a much better idea of what to expect after we go through all the classes. I may be a bit uncomfortable during the breastfeeding class, but other than that, I am happy to be there. Mary Beth is officially in her 3rd trimester, so we have less than 3 months until our due date. It will be here before we know it. Good times.....

1 comment:

UtterlyDependent said...

You're still the best all-around athlete I know... and you have very strong muscles :)

Put up pictures of the Baby's Furniture!!!