We all figure it out some time around college or just after graduation that our Mother's deserve so much more credit than they ever
receive for putting up with us for all those years, when we had all that attitude, didn't clean up after ourselves, missed curfew knowing they were lying awake waiting for us, and didn't seem to care about anyone but ourselves. Well, I am speaking for almost any 20 something when I say that once you are on the other side of the coin, you respect all that love, support, effort and care more than ever before. So I just want to say thanks to my Mom for everything she has done and continues to do for me. My goal is to someday figure out a way to repay you. Happy Mother's Day!

Not only am I appreciative of my Mother on this special day, but for my wife, Mary Beth, who experienced her first Mother's Day as a Mother today. (try and say that 3-times fast, talk about a tongue twister) Anyway, or
anyhoo as MB might say-I have to say that I don't know how she does it all. She works a full-time job, takes care of our new little man Parker, and probably the most daunting task of all-takes care of me. And she does all these things extremely well. (Did I mention that she is knocking off those baby lbs. faster than I can blink.) :) I don't know how I became so lucky to have such an wonderful Mom and now such an awesome Wife and Mother to my son. Needless to say, I have been blessed with some amazing women in my life and I am truly thankful. I know that it shouldn't take a made-up holiday like this for me to realize how much they mean to me, but most males, including me, tend to take things for granted and a made up holiday is just what we need to help us see the light. :) So on this Mother's Day I salute the ladies in my life and I hope that the rest of you out there will do the same. They deserve it. Here are some pics of Mother's Day brunch with the
fam. Until next time......I promise I won't wait a month for my next post.....it has been a busy month.
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