There are some guys out there who just go for it in every aspect of life. They don't see limits, and they refuse to be constrained by the status quo. I definitely have a little bit of that mentality myself. I heard Paul Coffman (a former NFL tight end and Chase's Dad for you Mizzou fans) speak a few weeks ago. He talked about a wide range of things from family, faith, sports, etc.., but the point that resonated with me was his outlook on life. He mentioned that he had a certain naivety that allowed him to see everything as possible, regardless of how many nay-sayers he encountered. I can really relate to this quality because I rarely feel as though I can't accomplish something if I put my mind to it. I admire people who have been able to live a life that exemplifies this quality and I hope to do the same. One man who I have always looked up too is Laird Hamilton, a professional big wave surfer and all around fitness guru. I have tried to convince Mary Beth to let me name our child Laird (if its a boy), but I don't think that she is going for it. Anyway, Laird is living his dream because he refused to "settle." He has that quality that allows him to think that anything is possible. I have been reading his new book and I am inspired to continue to pursue my passions, increase my fitness, improve my nutrition and push through the barriers that society places on people. Laird will convince you that just because you are getting older, doesn't mean you can't get better, stronger, faster, smarter.....and he is living proof @ age 44. Check out his book. www.lairdhamilton.com
Laird looks similiar to how I did at 44! Keep your left up and never settle even though life will often present challenges for you. Sometimes you will fail but take pride in being the man in the arena who dares greatly.
Well said Dad.
Ben, I didn't copy everything you did, but you can read more about what I am refering to at faithfuladventures.blogspot.com. Maybe we can now compliment one another in our writing, and keep up with what's going on in each other's lives. You should consider creating a photo gallery like mine as well. It's pretty easy to setup, and free. Your page looks really good; I enjoyed it.
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