First things first. I just want to let everyone know that there is another Blanton Blogger out there now. My Brother (Brett) has just created his first post. He has always been a bit more insightful than me, so if you like mine, I assume you'll enjoy his as well. Check it out at
Kansas City weather is crazy. Yesterday morning it was 62 degrees and this morning it was 6. It definitely makes outdoor activities a little tough when you have swings like this, however, I decided that I wasn't going to let the weather rain on my parade. I decided to go for a run yesterday; typically I run 5 or 6 days a week, but I usually go to the YMCA and hit the treadmill during the winter months. Yesterday was different; it was about 20 degrees when I decided to go outside and brave the elements, when the easy thing seemed like heading to the Y. Needless to say, I have never felt more alive! At first I couldn't feel my hands, feet or face, but I kept moving and I warmed up by then end of the first mile. The winter air was so crisp, and the frozen sweat & spit in my beard and mustache gave me a real sense of how cold it was.
While I was running, I began to look inside myself and I determined that too many times, I make up my mind that something is not possible or that the risk of embarrassment or failure is greater than the chances of succeeding before I even try it. What I realized yesterday is that it feels great to get out there and do it, even though you may have reservations initially. Sometimes I may fail...or it may be too cold, difficult, or rigorous, but at least I will be able to say that I gave it a shot and tested my limits instead of "talking the talk," but never really knowing what those limits are.
The reason I created this post is not to brag that I went out there and faced the elements, but because I want to inspire others to test their limits too. Most of all---I posted this story (and created this blog) because I know that many of you who read it won't hesitate to hold me accountable. So, hold me to it---ask me if I am testing my limits next time you see me, but be ready for me to fire the question right back at you.
After all, most limits are only in our minds anyway.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008

There are some guys out there who just go for it in every aspect of life. They don't see limits, and they refuse to be constrained by the status quo. I definitely have a little bit of that mentality myself. I heard Paul Coffman (a former NFL tight end and Chase's Dad for you Mizzou fans) speak a few weeks ago. He talked about a wide range of things from family, faith, sports, etc.., but the point that resonated with me was his outlook on life. He mentioned that he had a certain naivety that allowed him to see everything as possible, regardless of how many nay-sayers he encountered. I can really relate to this quality because I rarely feel as though I can't accomplish something if I put my mind to it. I admire people who have been able to live a life that exemplifies this quality and I hope to do the same. One man who I have always looked up too is Laird Hamilton, a professional big wave surfer and all around fitness guru. I have tried to convince Mary Beth to let me name our child Laird (if its a boy), but I don't think that she is going for it. Anyway, Laird is living his dream because he refused to "settle." He has that quality that allows him to think that anything is possible. I have been reading his new book and I am inspired to continue to pursue my passions, increase my fitness, improve my nutrition and push through the barriers that society places on people. Laird will convince you that just because you are getting older, doesn't mean you can't get better, stronger, faster, smarter.....and he is living proof @ age 44. Check out his book.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Here She is folks!
We had a crazy weekend. Mary Beth's Mom had her wedding Friday evening. We had a great time hanging out with friends and family, and the food was great too. Saturday was the BABY SHOWER. HOLLAA! We scurried around to get everything ready to go and by 2 pm I was surrounded by about 40 women. Needless to say, by 2:30 I made a run for the door, and went to watch some football with my dad. I came back around 5 pm and we had a room full of presents. We are both so grateful for such incredibly generous family & friends. Thanks everyone. We'll be sending you a thank you note soon. :) Mary Beth and I were so excited that we already put up the high chair and took the car seat over to my parents just to practice-with no baby of course. We also sifted through the hundreds of diapers and baby wipes and decided we won't need to buy either one, until... at least a year from now. :) We received some awesome gifts and we can't thank everyone enough. We are getting very close to the big day & I'm certain that Jan. 4th will be here before we know it.... Here are some pics of the mother-to-be. Such a cute little belly.
MB & her Mom
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
COMING SOON-Pregger Pics of Mary Beth
I am going to try to get some pics of MB with her big belly up soon, so be on the lookout.
Big 3 Bailout
I have been grappling with the facts in order to develop an opinion on the US Automotive Industry Bailout. Normally I would say that Ford, GM & Chrysler don't deserve the money because they failed to run their businesses properly. This failure can & will cause a company to go out of business in a free market economy. However, I think that US Auto Industry is an integral part of the fabric of our country and that we need to do something to restructure the way these businesses operate. I also think that it is important that we, as Americans, realize the significance of what a failure of these companies would mean. When people think of the Big 3, they probably think about the executives running the companies who are collecting million dollar paydays to run their companies into the ground. Non of us feel sorry for them because they will still live well regardless of how the company performs. In this case, I am not thinking about the executives of these companies, but the line workers (some of whom I know and respect). I don't want to see them loose their jobs because unlike the executives, if the companies go out of business, these line workers will be unable to provide for their families and pay for their cars & homes-which would continue the downward spiral of credit defaults and mortgage foreclosures. Not to mention the thousands of companies who make parts for these cars that would lay off even more average Joe's and cause those companies to struggle. I know that we can't have our cake and eat it too. I realize that we are going to have some lay offs to reach better efficiency levels and that pension plans may be reduced for retired workers, but I think if we can save the Big 3, we can emerge from this crisis a stronger nation. Restructuring is the key-not a bailout. Concessions will need to be made on both sides and the UAW should be taken out of the equation.
Check out this article by Mitt Romney in today's NY Times-he is a savy business man, and I think he could be a great President some day. He has some good thoughts on the issue.
Check out this article by Mitt Romney in today's NY Times-he is a savy business man, and I think he could be a great President some day. He has some good thoughts on the issue.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Don't Live the Myth, Don't Miss a Moment
I have been thinking about baseball a lot the past few days because I have had two dreams that I had begun playing again. I was also asked to join the Cardinal Club Board of Directors for William Jewell, so I have been reflecting on my experience as a student athlete at WJC. The title of my post is very significant to any Jewell baseball player because those two statements are mottos of the program. I think these two statements also have a practical application in life. You may be asking, "What is the myth?" The myth is that its the batters job to move a runner to the next base. Coach Stockton taught us that it is our job as a base runner to find opportunities to move ourselves (i.e. dirtball reads, past balls, stolen bases etc.). The more time I spend at the bank, the more I realize how applicable this motto is in the business world. The myth that I have been living is that it is the company's job or my bosses job to promote me if I do my job well. I couldn't have been more wrong. I have found that I have to continually promote my abilities to management and continue to search for opportunities to advance my career. The second statement goes along with the first, but just goes a little deeper. There are only so many opportunities (moments) in a baseball game to capitalize on the mistakes of the other team or to capitalize on your strengths. In life it is the same way. You only live once and you have to make the most of every opportunity. I think that I will begin to live by the mottos that served me well in college while playing baseball and I have a good feeling that it will serve me well in life.
I am, however, still trying to figure out how our third motto relates to life....."Hit the ball hard with backspin?" I guess I will need to continue to think about that one.
I am, however, still trying to figure out how our third motto relates to life....."Hit the ball hard with backspin?" I guess I will need to continue to think about that one.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I voted on Tuesday in what will probably be known as one of the most monumental elections in the history of our country. Barack Obama became America's first African American President. I am proud that our country has come this far; where race no longer divides us, but we embrace our differences and we can learn from each other. I can honestly say that I woke up Tuesday morning not knowing who I was going to vote for. Not that I was uninformed; I followed the debates and read the policies of both candidates thoroughly. However, I felt that both Obama & McCain could be a great President. I never once doubted that both men wanted what was best for the American people. They just happened to differ on the path to get there. I ended up voting for McCain because I felt that his fundamental ideology aligned more closely with mine. However, being someone who has professed to be a conservative since I was 13, I can honestly say that Obama got me excited. I am not interested in complaining about the election because I am rejuvenated by our generation's willingness to participate in such a meaningful way throughout the campaign and election process. I have read countless articles about the "millennial generation" and how we expect everything to be handed to us, and how we are unwilling to get involved. I think we are proving that we can be a generation of "Change" - to take a page from Obama's book. We have the opportunity to continue to build on this for elections to come, and hopefully, we will try to bring about positive change in our own communities in the meantime. Before you know it, we will be leading this country and the more we get involved now, the better off we will be in the future.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Reasons we love Colorado
We took a road trip to Monument & Breckenridge, CO this summer with Mary Beth's Dad. It was a great time and we didn't want to come home...(but we did). We stayed with our friends; the Meekers. They are an amazing family and they were very gracious to allow us to stay in their house & cabin. I love blogs with photos, so I decided to post some of our pics from the trip.
Mary Beth and I getting ready for some fly fishing

The Cast......still working on it, but I did catch my first trout
A little caving (bonked my head on a rock & MB lost her shades but it was worth it)

MB & I in Breck (MB with new shades on head)

View from the top of Quandary Peak-my first 14er

The mountain goats
Mary Beth and I getting ready for some fly fishing
The Cast......still working on it, but I did catch my first trout
A little caving (bonked my head on a rock & MB lost her shades but it was worth it)
MB & I in Breck (MB with new shades on head)
View from the top of Quandary Peak-my first 14er
The mountain goats
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
2 Year Anniversary & MBA Clarity (somewhat)
Yesterday, Mary Beth and I had our 2-year anniversary. I can honestly say that I love her more today than I ever have and she continues to amaze me each day with her patience, love and understanding. It looks to be another monumental year ahead with the birth of first child and with the beginning of the MBA application process next fall. Mary Beth and I are so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family who have supported us through out our two years of marriage. Thanks everyone. It really means a lot to us. 
It is hard to believe that the time has gone by so quickly. I guess that is what happens when you spend your days in a get in that "work zone" and before you know it the day is over. I am realizing that the 9-5 cubicle scene is just not who I am. As most of you know, I have been researching MBA programs over the past 6 months and I originally thought that the East Coast Ivy League schools were the way to go. I had my heart set on becoming a big-time investment banker or consultant. What was I thinking? I would still be in a cubicle, but instead of 9-5 it would be more like 7-7 (not to mention that the Investment Banking industry, basically, no longer exists). looking back, my thought process was all wrong. I thought that making the big money and having and elite education would allow me freedom down the road (when I decided to stop working the crazy hours), but I am beginning to realize that I am more of a free spirit. I will thrive in a small entrepreneurial-type of business much more than in a big bank. I want to have an impact on the direction of the company I work for and eventually I want to be able to work for myself. I have begun to realize that the University of Colorado MBA program is more suited for me and my career goals. They encourage entrepreneurism and they seem to encourage their students to stray from the typical suit & tie wearing MBA student. That is a place where I can see myself. It sure doesn't hurt that I would be in the mountains where MB, the baby and I could enjoy the trails, skiing, biking and the awesome parks-just to name a few things. Plus it is a safe distance from Wall St. I still plan on applying to several schools next year, but CU Boulder seems more and more like a perfect fit each day.

It is hard to believe that the time has gone by so quickly. I guess that is what happens when you spend your days in a get in that "work zone" and before you know it the day is over. I am realizing that the 9-5 cubicle scene is just not who I am. As most of you know, I have been researching MBA programs over the past 6 months and I originally thought that the East Coast Ivy League schools were the way to go. I had my heart set on becoming a big-time investment banker or consultant. What was I thinking? I would still be in a cubicle, but instead of 9-5 it would be more like 7-7 (not to mention that the Investment Banking industry, basically, no longer exists). looking back, my thought process was all wrong. I thought that making the big money and having and elite education would allow me freedom down the road (when I decided to stop working the crazy hours), but I am beginning to realize that I am more of a free spirit. I will thrive in a small entrepreneurial-type of business much more than in a big bank. I want to have an impact on the direction of the company I work for and eventually I want to be able to work for myself. I have begun to realize that the University of Colorado MBA program is more suited for me and my career goals. They encourage entrepreneurism and they seem to encourage their students to stray from the typical suit & tie wearing MBA student. That is a place where I can see myself. It sure doesn't hurt that I would be in the mountains where MB, the baby and I could enjoy the trails, skiing, biking and the awesome parks-just to name a few things. Plus it is a safe distance from Wall St. I still plan on applying to several schools next year, but CU Boulder seems more and more like a perfect fit each day.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I've still got it
Well, I guess baseball is just like riding a bike. Once I got back in there it all came back to me. I even surprised myself when I "dropped a bomb" (hit a homerun) on the first pitch of the game in my first at bat. It felt great. Although I did strike out in my second at bat-we don't really need to talk about that. It was hilarious to hear some of the stories that I had forgotten about and to spend time with the guys who made my college days so memorable. I sure miss those days.
The weather was excellent and while I was out there I couldn't help but think how nice it would be to work outside and have a little more freedom, as opposed to the standard 9 to 5. That is my ultimate goal-to find a job where I can spend time in the outdoors and have the freedom to set my own schedule.
Mary Beth and I had our 2nd Childbirth Prep Class last night. We learned a lot of different birthing positions and practiced some new relaxation techniques. We also watched some informative videos that provided some more detail regarding the different stages of the birthing process. (sometimes a little too much detail, but we tried to be mature) :) We are two weeks away from moving into Mary Beth's Mom's house. She is getting remarried and will be moving out, so we are going to rent from them. It is going to be very nice to have some extra space and a yard for the baby to play in next spring. We received a very nice gift from Dave & Marilyn (MB's mom and her fiance)-3 framed Beatrice Potter characters for the nursery. Peter Rabbit is probably my favorite, but they will all look very nice. We also bought some furniture for the nursery. Check it out...(the color is different-we went with a darker wood, but I couldn't find a picture of it).
The weather was excellent and while I was out there I couldn't help but think how nice it would be to work outside and have a little more freedom, as opposed to the standard 9 to 5. That is my ultimate goal-to find a job where I can spend time in the outdoors and have the freedom to set my own schedule.
Mary Beth and I had our 2nd Childbirth Prep Class last night. We learned a lot of different birthing positions and practiced some new relaxation techniques. We also watched some informative videos that provided some more detail regarding the different stages of the birthing process. (sometimes a little too much detail, but we tried to be mature) :) We are two weeks away from moving into Mary Beth's Mom's house. She is getting remarried and will be moving out, so we are going to rent from them. It is going to be very nice to have some extra space and a yard for the baby to play in next spring. We received a very nice gift from Dave & Marilyn (MB's mom and her fiance)-3 framed Beatrice Potter characters for the nursery. Peter Rabbit is probably my favorite, but they will all look very nice. We also bought some furniture for the nursery. Check it out...(the color is different-we went with a darker wood, but I couldn't find a picture of it).

Monday, October 6, 2008
Athletic ability declining..a little
I have recently determined that I am not the athlete I used to be. It became apparent that I am not as muscular as I once was today when I was able to wear a dress shirt with a 16 1/2 in. neck. (I used to be a 17 or 17 1/2 in my prime) :) I am sure that the evidence of my declining athletic ability will only be greater this weekend when I suit up in my baseball uniform for the first time in two years for the William Jewell Alumni Game. It is so hard to believe that 2 1/2 years ago I was playing baseball for a living, and now I will be happy to make contact. I will let you know how it goes. I am just excited to see all the guys and hang out with them. Any good plays on the field will just be "icing on the cake."
I am, however, probably in the best cardiovascular shape of my life right now. I just ran a 10k in less than 42 min., so I guess I am just changing priorities from the weight room to the roads & trails. My goal is to run a decent marathon time next year and to finish a few triathlons as well. Hopefully I can stay healthy and find a little time to train. As evidence by my previous post, I plan on doing a lot of running with the baby in the new stroller.
Speaking of the baby....Mary Beth and I had our first Child Birth Prep Class tonight. We spent two hours at the hospital with about 10 other first time pregnant couples passing around a replica amniotic sack and practicing our breathing and massage techniques. It was very informative and I think we should have a much better idea of what to expect after we go through all the classes. I may be a bit uncomfortable during the breastfeeding class, but other than that, I am happy to be there. Mary Beth is officially in her 3rd trimester, so we have less than 3 months until our due date. It will be here before we know it. Good times.....
I am, however, probably in the best cardiovascular shape of my life right now. I just ran a 10k in less than 42 min., so I guess I am just changing priorities from the weight room to the roads & trails. My goal is to run a decent marathon time next year and to finish a few triathlons as well. Hopefully I can stay healthy and find a little time to train. As evidence by my previous post, I plan on doing a lot of running with the baby in the new stroller.
Speaking of the baby....Mary Beth and I had our first Child Birth Prep Class tonight. We spent two hours at the hospital with about 10 other first time pregnant couples passing around a replica amniotic sack and practicing our breathing and massage techniques. It was very informative and I think we should have a much better idea of what to expect after we go through all the classes. I may be a bit uncomfortable during the breastfeeding class, but other than that, I am happy to be there. Mary Beth is officially in her 3rd trimester, so we have less than 3 months until our due date. It will be here before we know it. Good times.....
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Nursery
Mary Beth and I are struggling with our first major baby-related decisions-what furniture to get for the baby's room and what jogging stroller we should buy. I have to say that I am probably the pickier of the two of us and I am having some trouble agreeing to the all-in-one baby room from Wal-Mart, but when I see the tuition prices for MBA programs, I think the Wal-Mart furniture is looking pretty good. :) However, I am not convinced that I can opt for the cheaper alternative with regard to the jogging stroller. The "BOB" stroller is the cream of the crop and I think we might end up with an orange one. Check it out. Pretty nice, huh?
Last thing-if the idiots on TV keep calling this economic stability plan a "Wall Street Bailout" then I think I might scream. The plan currently does much more for "Main Street" than people know. First, it will help rework mortgages to slow the rate of foreclosures (you can decide if that is the gov's job or not). Also, if you noticed the Dow down 777 today then you understand how this seizure of the credit markets and the lack of ability to lend by the banks is causing your 401k to struggle. If the company you work for can't afford to borrow, then your job is in jeopardy. The plan is not a bailout of "Wall Street," but it is necessary to stimulate growth in our economy and prevent a widespread panic in the market. America needs credit to function and regardless of how screwed up that is, we need to pass this plan and quit the political grandstanding in order to stimulate the economy as a whole.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
First Blog
This is my first blog. Just checking to see if it works. I am excited to share these exciting times with all of you. Thanks, in advance, for reading. I will try to keep it interesting.
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