It is hard to believe that the time has gone by so quickly. I guess that is what happens when you spend your days in a cubicle.....you get in that "work zone" and before you know it the day is over. I am realizing that the 9-5 cubicle scene is just not who I am. As most of you know, I have been researching MBA programs over the past 6 months and I originally thought that the East Coast Ivy League schools were the way to go. I had my heart set on becoming a big-time investment banker or consultant. What was I thinking? I would still be in a cubicle, but instead of 9-5 it would be more like 7-7 (not to mention that the Investment Banking industry, basically, no longer exists). looking back, my thought process was all wrong. I thought that making the big money and having and elite education would allow me freedom down the road (when I decided to stop working the crazy hours), but I am beginning to realize that I am more of a free spirit. I will thrive in a small entrepreneurial-type of business much more than in a big bank. I want to have an impact on the direction of the company I work for and eventually I want to be able to work for myself. I have begun to realize that the University of Colorado MBA program is more suited for me and my career goals. They encourage entrepreneurism and they seem to encourage their students to stray from the typical suit & tie wearing MBA student. That is a place where I can see myself. It sure doesn't hurt that I would be in the mountains where MB, the baby and I could enjoy the trails, skiing, biking and the awesome parks-just to name a few things. Plus it is a safe distance from Wall St. I still plan on applying to several schools next year, but CU Boulder seems more and more like a perfect fit each day.